Monday, November 1, 2010

Where I'm coming from

Let me step back from my first two posts and give you a better idea where i'm coming from disney wise.

growing up my family never had the means to take that disney world vacation so my early disney development came from the movies my family rented in the early 80's.  friday night my dad would take us up to the video store to rent a vcr (thats right people use to rent vcrs) and a few movies, which were almost always disney films. so during those early years i watched and fell in love with many of disney's live action films.  i remember one particular tape we rented that was a video tour of wdw. that video and show like "disney world inside out" kept the fascination with disney world in my heart for years. 

in the summer of 1994 i went on a trip with a buddy down to key west where we were going to camp and just chill for a week or so. in the office of the campground we were staying at they had several brochures for wdw. i knew this was my chance to get to wdw and so at the age of 20  i dragged my buddy up to wdw for my first trip.

since that time i've made  another dozen or so trips at different times down to the world. i love the parks.  people watching and picture taking are my park past times.  i could spend hours just walking the parks passing the time not going on a single ride. 

i am a believer in the disney magic.  there is something about disney that a lot of people just can't feel and don't understand.  a certain feel of comfort and familiarity that is great in this ever changing world.

so i know that my first couple posts may have had a anti-disney feel but i definitely am not.  i just believe that if disney isn't doing something to the standards they have set for themselves that they need to be called on it. 

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